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Required Annual Notices

Required Annual Notices

This section covers information for the following areas:

  • Section 504
  • 22-1-124, C.R.S.(Sex Offender Registry)
  • 22-33-104. (Compulsory Attendance Law)
  • Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (A.H.E.R.A)
  • FERPA for Elementary and Secondary Schools

Acceptable Use Policy:

  • Section 504 is part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that guarantees specific rights in federally funded programs and activities to people who qualify as disabled.The Act defines a person with a disability as anyone who:

    Has a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities such as caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning or working.

    In order to fulfill its obligations under Section 504/ADA, the Weld County RE3J School District recognizes a responsibility to avoid discrimination in policies and practices regarding its personnel and children. No discrimination against any person with a disability will knowingly be permitted in any of the programs and practices of the school district.

    The school has specific responsibilities under the Act, which include the responsibility to identify, evaluate and, if the child is determined to be eligible under Section 504/ADA, to afford access to appropriate educational services.

    For more information, or if you have questions or concerns about a current 504 plan contact Jenny Wakeman, the Section 504/ADA Coordinator for Weld County RE3J School District. Jenny can be reached at (303) 536-2002 or

    If a parent or guardian disagrees with the determination made by the professional staff of the school, they have the right to a hearing with an impartial hearing officer.

    Under Section 504, a grievance may be filed with the School District or a complaint may be filed with the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR).OCR can be contacted by calling 303-844-5695.

  • You have the right (a) to be informed whether a specifically named individual is listed in the central sex offender registry maintained by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI), and (b) to obtain the name, address, known aliases, photograph, history of sex offense convictions and other criminal convictions of all registered sex offenders who reside within the law enforcement jurisdiction of your residence. To obtain this information you may contact CBI at:

    Colorado Bureau of Investigations
    Program Support Unit/Sex Offender Unit 690
    Kipling Street, Suite 4000Denver , CO 80215
    Phone: 303-239-4222 Fax: 303-233-8336

    Some information is posted on the CBI website: . This includes names, addresses, physical descriptions, and descriptions of offenses committed by "sexually violent predators," repeat sexual offenders, and persons required to register as sex offenders who have not registered. Additionally, information may also be obtained from the Weld County Sheriff's Department, located at:

    Weld County Sheriff's Department
    Weld County Law Enforcement Building
    1950 0 Street
    Greeley , CO 80632

    The Weld County list of registered sex offenders is maintained by the Records Department. The telephone number is 970-350-9627(

  • Every child who has attained the age of six years on or before August 1 of each year and is under the age of seventeen years, except as provided by this section, shall attend public school for at least the following number of hours during each school year:

    (I) 1,056 hours if a secondary school pupil;

    (II) 968 if an elementary school pupil in a grade other than kindergarten;

    (III) 900 hours if a full-day kindergarten pupil; or

    (IV) 450 hours if a half-day kindergarten pupil.

    The major responsibility for regular attendance of students shall remain with the students and parents/guardians, and the school shall work cooperatively with the parents/guardians in achieving proper attendance.

  • Weld County School District Re-3J has completed the necessary inspection and management plans as required by the A.H.E.R.A. legislation, the District is also in complete compliance with the Federal Asbestos in School Rule of 1982. The Director of Operations is Stuart Peterson. The Management Plans and Inspection Reports are available for each building at the District Maintenance Office, 4977 WCR 59, Keenesburg, Colorado 80643. Reports are available for review during normal business hours. A copying fee will be required if copies of reports or sections thereof are requested. Questions regarding this notification may be directed to Stuart Peterson at (303)-536-2000.

  • The Weld County School District RE-3J (“District”) hereby gives notice that the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents, and students who are 18 years of age or older ("eligible students"), certain rights with respect to the student's education records.

Nondiscrimination Statement

Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity In compliance with Titles VI & VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, and Colorado law, Weld County School District Re-3J does not unlawfully discriminate against otherwise qualified students, employees, applicants for employment, or members of the public on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, religion, ancestry, or need for special education services. Discrimination against employees and applicants for employment based on age, genetic information, and conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth is also prohibited in accordance with state and/or federal law. Complaint procedures have been established for students, parents, employees, and members of the public. The following person(s) have been identified as the compliance officer/Title IX Coordinator for the district:
Jenny Wakeman, Assistant Superintendent, 1101 4th Avenue, Hudson, CO 80642, phone: 303-536-2000, email: