Choosing a school for your student is an important personal step in charting their future path. Toward this end, Weld Re-3J offers families three elementary schooling opportunities, as well as an online school for students in grades K through 12.
Open enrollment is an opportunity to request that your student attend a school of choice, which is outside of their attendance area but still live within school district boundaries. Families can request an interdistrict transfer or enrollment by filling out the form below.
For families who do not live within the district boundaries of Weld County Re-3J, open enrollment can be requested by filling out an Out-of-District Request form. All intradistrict and out-of-district requests must be approved by school administration and the Board of Education.
Home schooling is deregulated in the state of Colorado, therefore, parents take on all of the responsibility for their student’s education including acquisition of books, supplies, tests, and maintaining permanent records.
A parent or guardian who intends to establish a nonpublic home-based education program is required to:
Homeschool Form Homeschool Form Espanol
Please Note: Written notification must be re-submitted to the school district each year the home school program is maintained after the initial year.
If the written notification is not submitted to the school district the student resides in, it is advisable to notify the residing school district as well to avoid truancy action.